The Cook Family Photo Album

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Cruise 1.

These ladies, gentlemen and children will go down in the annals of Cook Family history as the forerunners, great visionaries and the pioneers who took part and participated in a historic first. The first Cook Family Reunions Abroad took place in Aug, 2005.


These thrill seekers would throw faith to the wind and choose to dance the dance of the mighty hurricanes in the monsters own back yard. They would dance through this island paradise in the south Atlantic in the month of June and back home again safe and sound a matter of day’s before the world would come to know the name KATRINA, a hurricane born in the south Atlantic that would go down in history as being the most devastating hurricane to ever hit the United States


The paralysis of the devastated southeast would continue and would be talked about for month to come and for these thrill seekers the like's that we have not known will go down in our history will be remembered as courageous the truly brave individuals that is the stuff of a Cook family member. Some day we will sing songs of praise and there will be talk of erecting monuments on their behalf because these people dared to stoke the family flames of reunion.



Good job folks- 


Standing Left to Right: Airian Cook, Natalie Cook, Jermaine Poe, Albert Cook, Rosalind Cook, Kimberly Cook, Brenda Cook, Victoria Miller, Christine Lucas, and Vivian Lucas, Dwayne Wells, (my apologies to the young man next to Dwayne - I forgot his name.
Seated: Jane Beamon, Elvira Cunningham, Ruth and Lorenzo Wells.