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Katrina 8.

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   Saturday, September 10 RSS Feeds of Red Cross News and Press Releases

 Surviving the Storm

Secure Web Sites Important Fundraising Tool
Online fundraising is one of the most essential parts of fundraising for the American Red Cross and many other major charities across the country. To date a little over half of the donations the Red Cross has received after Hurricane Katrina have been through online donations.

One Selfless Act of Support for Relief Efforts Inspires Others
"Who’s going to help them, daddy?"

Tropical Storm Ophelia Heads for Florida
A tropical storm warning is now in effect for the east coast of Florida as Tropical Storm Ophelia heads for the coast as the latest storm in the 2005 hurricane season.

Celebrity Cabinet Supports Katrina Relief
American Red Cross Celebrity Cabinet members are making their presence felt across the country to support the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

President Bush Visits American Red Cross Disaster Operations Center
President George W. Bush made an impromptu visit the American Red Cross national headquarters yesterday to address the staff and volunteers supporting Hurricane Katrina disaster relief operations from the organization’s busy national Disaster Operations Center in Washington.

Rev. Jesse Jackson Offers Words of Encouragement at Red Cross Shelter
Hurricane Katrina evacuees from New Orleans being housed at the River Center Shelter in Baton Rouge received encouraging words from the Rev. Jesse Jackson yesterday afternoon.

Red Cross Announces Family Linking Available via or by Calling 1-877-LOVED-1S
The American Red Cross, with support of the worldwide Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, is launching a Web site and hotline to help assist family members who are seeking news about loved ones living in the path of Hurricane Katrina.

Collaboration Key to Hurricane Katrina Response
In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the Red Cross is launching one of its largest responses ever to a national disaster, and it’s still not enough to support the needs of all the evacuees who have been forced from their homes.

Op-Ed: Honoring Labors of the Heart
"This Labor Day in particular, I would ask all Americans to remember and recognize those laborers who are motivated only by compassion and paid only with our gratitude—our nation’s volunteers."

American Red Cross Launches Largest Mobilization Effort in History for Hurricane Katrina
The Red Cross is mobilizing on all fronts to bring relief to storm victims.

The Red Cross Responds to Hurricane Katrina Survivors

  Red Cross Responds to Katrina


FACTS AT A GLANCE: Red Cross Response to Hurricane Katrina


To Find Missing Loved Ones:
Visit the Family Links Registry
or Call 1-877 LOVED-1S

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New Orleans Situation

  How You Can Help

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  Staying Safe After the Storm

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Red Cross Urges Public Health Precautions

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Beat the Heat (En Español)

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Generator Safety

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Food Safety & Water
(En Español)

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Coping with Blackouts
(En Español)

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Flood & Flash Flood Safety
(En Español)

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For Educators: Coping with the Aftermath

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Evacuation Checklist
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National Threat Advisory
at Yellow/Elevated

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