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Katrina 10.

September 06, 2005
Katrena Faddis
Huntsville, Alabama
They are okay. Beatrix is in Texas with her kids. Eddie is in Georgia with his wife and kids. Evelyn, Wayne and Richard are in the Bessemer area.
P.S. I am doing well.


September 12, 2005                         


MaMa Cita, 
Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: They are okay!!!

Thanks so much for your concern. As Trina has stated we are all fine. I am in Houston, TX with Giovanna (daughter 14), Frank, III "Pepper" (Son 17), Monique (Frank's girlfriend 19) and Baby Frank IV (grandson 1 month).  The company that I worked for in New Orleans has provided my family with housing. 

However, it is hard to search for employment in a new town without transportation.  If anyone is in the Houston and know where I can purchase an inexpensive car please contact me on my cell phone at xxx xxx xxxx.  I using the library's computer so if you email me you may get a delayed response.  If you are unable to contact me on my cell, please call my kids cell xxx xxx xxxx (Giovanna) or xxx xxx xxxx (Frank).

I will be making Houston my new home and Evelyn will be relocating to Bessemer.

Additionally, Evelyn (mother) and Eddie (brother) can be reach via cell phone at xxx xxx xxxx and xxx xxx xxxx respectively.  Evelyn can also be emailed at xxxxx@xxx,com




December 24, 2005    

name: Evelyn Faddis

email: xxx xxxx xxxx

comment: Hi, Marquette, Please update your records to reflect my new e-mail address. I have not been fortunate to receive any information for quite some time and I do miss being informed. Following the loss of everything in New Orleans, I am now in my hometown, Bessemer, AL. My phone number is xxx-xxx-xxxx, my cell - xxx-xxx-xxxx. The physical location is xxxx xxxxxx. The mailing address is P. O. Box xxxx. Please let me hear from you. Love.