The Cook Family Website

Daily Reunion

A Brief Family History
The Kirksey Family
Calendar of Events
Family Member History Page
Who We Are In Pictures
Family Photo Album
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Dates to Remember
Roll Call
Daily Reunion
Researching Cook Family History
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 My name is Pamala Sacks-Lawlar, daughter of Anna Louise Wells –Sacks(deceased) and Eliga Sacks, Granddaughter of John and Geneva Wells (both deceased).  We are living in Washington State.  My children are Charles Robinson, Porsha Robinson and Brandon Robinson.  Please add me to our Cook family website.  This is my email address    



The traditional family reunion as we knew it may be history, it is certainly facing some difficult times during a period of economic down turn in this country, it may be years before the confidence in our economic condition returns. 

What safeguard can we as a family incorporate that will guarantee the ties that binds the family remain in tack as we ride out the storm.

With a little imagination and the internet we can create way's to reunion year round with family members, feel free to use this page to share with us your connection with family members, a visit with, a letters from, photos of and so on.  Send your contribution to: MARQ800@Earthlink.Net  enjoy.


*** 2010 ***
 Kirksey Family Annual Reunion
January 16, 2010
From: Yolanda Brown, Chicago, IL.
Greetings Kirksey Family:
As you know the Kirksey Clan Will be hosting its annual Family Reunion in 2010.
It was decided at the last reunion held in Las Cruse, New Mexico that we should make Alabama our "Reunion Headquarters."
Due to the present economic situation we ar putting a survey out to see if anyone would be interested in continuing the family legacy and would attend the 2010 reunion.
Due to the present economic "RECESSION" we will not have a sit-down banquet dinner as previous years before.  We will have a family cookout.
If you are interested in continuing the family legacy please respond by sending an email to me at: and put Kirksey Reunion in the Subject line or contact me at --- --- ---- or contact Doris Brown at --- --- ----. Or you may return this page to me at 2901 S. Michigan Avenue #302, Chicago, Illinois. 60616.
We would appreciate your response as soon as possible.
Thank you and God bless each and every one of you.
The Planning Committee
Name: ___________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________
City, State & Zip Code: ______________________________
Email address: _____________________________________
Yes, I will attend ____________

No, Unable to attend _________
Not sure but keep me informed __________
Number of Adults that will attend __________
Number of Children that will attend _________
Additional information to follow.
Note: for security reasons family members phone numbers are not posted unless requested.

Who We Are In Pictures

Marquette Cook (Army Basic Training)