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We should have a page to showcase family members Birthday's, Anniversaries and or other recurring events. If you would like to be listed on this page e-mail your information to me: Marquette Cook, for posting.

Date/Event                     Name
01/01  Birthday                Lois Harris
01/01/00  Anniversary     The Cook Family Reunion Website
01/02  Birthday                Marietta Blanton
01/05  Anniversary           Stanley & Libby Jean Hills
01/10  Birthday                Eddie Boyd
01/10  Birthday                Gloria Means
01/17  Birthday                Tina R. Gant
01/18  Birthday                Coter Cunningham
01/19  Birthday                Winfred Alexander
01/24  Birthday                Robert E. Cook Jr.
01/25  Birthday                Willie Augustus Burks - In Memory
01/27  Birthday                Daisy Moore
01/28  Birthday                Sandra S. Cook
02/05  Birthday                Richard Douglas. Boyd
02/07  Birthday                Daijah Hills
02/08  Birthday                Airian Cook
02/08  Birthday                Erma Nell. Faddis
02/08  Birthday                Nancy Jean. Hills
02/20  Birthday                John Bizzell
02/22  Birthday                Cato Cook
02/22  Birthday                Florence L. Braggs - In Memory
02/24  Birthday                Ernestine Cook
02/25  Birthday                Elton Brooks
02/28  Birthday                Verna Price
03/01  Birthday                William E. Boyd
03/02  Birthday                Kyle A. Cook
03/05  Birthday                Frank T. Smith, III
03/05  Birthday                Olivia Cook Lucas - In Memory
03/06  Birthday                Hattie Cook Stafford - In Memory
03/08  Birthday                Kyle Harris
03/10  Birthday                Johnnie Martin
03/16  Birthday                Estella Cook Williams - In Memory
03/24  Birthday                Rev. Phillip Burks - In Memory
03/24  Birthday                Vivian Lucas
03/27  Birthday                Stanley Ernest Hills
04/04  Birthday                Albert Bizzell
04/06  Birthday                Darryl Andre Cook - In Memory
04/06  Birthday                     Lisa Ann Hills 
04/09  Birthday                Kyrah Gayle
04/10  Birthday                Lorenzo Wells
04/18  Birthday                George Miller
04/20  Birthday                Patricia Harris
04/24  Birthday                Jean Owsley
04/26  Birthday                Susie Dennis
04/26  Birthday                Roy Cook
05/02  Birthday                Annie L. Cook
05/04  Birthday                Irene Belton
05/06  Birthday                Mary Jane Paul - In Memory
05/11  Birthday                Robin K. Brooks
05/14  Birthday                Elvira Cunningham
05/14  Birthday                Tanika M. Cook
05/22  Birthday                Margaret L. Miller
05/23  Birthday                Wanda G. Steward
05/25  Birthday                Victoria L. Miller
06/07  Anniversary           Coter & Elvira Cunningham
06/22  Birthday                 Rosalind Cook
07/03  Birthday                Anna Cook
07/03  Birthday                Ronald C. Washington
07/04  Birthday                Giovanna M. Batiste
07/06  Birthday                Timothy A. Boyd
07/07  Birthday                Sarah Stephenson
07/08  Birthday                John Lewis. Canada
07/10  Birthday                Donna M. Burks
07/10  Birthday                John Cook
07/10  Birthday                John W. Cook

07/13  Birthday                Ora Cook Burks - In Memory
07/20  Birthday                Lerone Cook
07/25  Birthday                Beatrix Boyd "Mama Cita"
08/04  Birthday                Clarence Cook
08/10  Birthday                Aaron Cook
08/14  Birthday                Sarah Ramsey
08/15  Birthday                Amanda Meadows
08/17  Birthday                John David Wells - In Memory
08/17  Birthday                Ronald Blanton
08/19  Birthday                Jerome Cook
08/28  Birthday                Pamela B. Cook
08/29  Birthday                Blessing Matthews
08/29  Birthday                Trey Hardy
09/01  Birthday                Durrell  L. Belton
09/07  Birthday                Brenda L. Houston
09/08  Birthday                Mildred Cook
09/09  Birthday                Tiffany Means
09/14  Birthday                Neville Gayle
09/17 Birthday                 Marquette Cook
09/21  Birthday                Michelle Means
09/21  Birhtday                Lashawda Price. Miller
09/22  Birthday                Taylor Hardy
09/28  Birthday                Ethel Louise Thompson - In Memory
09/29  Birthday                Darlene April Hills
09/29  Birthday                Wade Westley Hills
10/09  Birthday                Jane Pearl. Beamon
10/11  Birthday                Belinda Cook
10/18  Anniversary           Marquette & Sandra S. Cook
10/19  Birthday                Wilbertha Cook Hightower - In Memory
10/23  Birthday                Joe A. Cook Jr.
10/23  Anniversary          George & Verna Price
10/23  Birthday                Marie Cook
10/25  Anniversary          Cedric & Sheri Drawhorn
10/25  Birthday                Robert L. Scott - In Memory
10/25  Birthday                Stanley E. Hills Sr.
10/26  Birthday                Milton Means
10/27  Birthday                Nanie Cook
10/29  Birthday                Jermaine R. Poe
10/31  Birthday                Destiny Burks
11/05  Birthday                Derrick Watson
11/10  Birthday                Brandon J. Houston
11/10  Birthday                Brian A. Houston
11/10  Birthday                George Price
11/13  Birthday                Bernice Swanson
11/14  Birthday                James Hamilton
11/17  Birthday                Louise Miller
11/21  Birthday                Ulysses Simpson Cook - In Memory
11/25  Birthday                Mother Anna Wells - In Memory
11/30  Birthday                Albert Cook
12/01  Birthday                Carson Cook
12/02  Birthday                Donald Wright
12/05  Anniversary           Milton & Gloria Means
12/05  Birthday                Lowell Boyd
12/06  Birthday                Yvonne Miller
12/08  Birthday                Loretta Scott Bizzell
12/10  Anniversary           Ronald & Marietta Blanton
12/10  Birthday                Rose Cook Monford - In Memory
12/12  Birthday                Princess Victoria Marie Boyd
12/13  Birthday                Natalia Watson
12/14  Birthday                Shomae Means
12/20  Birthday                Natalie P. Cook-Watson
12/23  Birthday                Libby Jean. Hills
12/26  Birthday                Alnedia Martin
12/31  Birthday                Donna L. Griffin

Who We Are In Pictures

Marquette Cook (Army Basic Training)