The Cook Family Website


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The Kirksey Family
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Roll Call
Daily Reunion
Researching Cook Family History
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May 15, 2006
Libby Jean Hills
Southfield, Michigan

Hello, I will be retiring May31, st from my job, I hope you have enjoyed all the little notes I been sending in the pass year. I will still keep in touch from time to time letting you know how things are going. I hope to meet everyone at our next Family Reunion take care.

Loving Regards

Libby J. Hills



Best of Luck

I feel as if I am about to lose a best friend, we have all enjoyed your daily contribution to the Cook Family Web-Site, we have come to expect the daily dose of inspiration from you. We wish you, your husband and family well and all the best in the years to come, please stay in touch.

Sister we love you


September 29, 2005
Velma C. Drawhorn, 
Bessemer, AL.
Good Morning: My sister Sarah lost her husband yesterday, Wednesday September 28th  about 2:30 P.M. 


Our hearts goes out to Sarah Stephenson and her family 
mourning the loss of her husband John Stephenson, in addition to his wife Sarah, John leaves their children
Famious, Robert Lewis, Elnora Taylor, Percy, Barbara Greene, Clarence, Yvonne Miller, and Debra Jones, to mourn his passing.
September 06, 2005
Katrena Faddis
Huntsville, Alabama
They are okay. Beatrix is in Texas with her kids. Eddie is in Georgia with his wife and kids. Evelyn, Wayne and Richard are in the Bessemer area.
P.S. I am doing well.
August 29, 2005 - Katrina 
Peace Be Still
May Our Prayers Be With You
Batiste, Giovanna M.                                     New Orleans
Boyd, Beatrix   "Mama Cita"                          New Orleans
Boyd, Eddie                                                 New Orleans
Boyd, Merlicia                                              New Orleans
Boyd, Preston Lowell                                    New Orleans
 Boyd, Princess Victoria Marie                        New Orleans 
Boyd, Richard D.                                          New Orleans
Boyd, Timothy A.                                          New Orleans
Boyd, Wayne Preston II                                New Orleans
Boyd, Willie                                                 New Orleans
Cook, Clara                                                  New Orleans
Faddis-Boyd, Evelyn                                                Arabi
Paul, Richard                                                   Grambling 
Bell, Carrie & Family                                   Greenwood
Frost, Adre                                                      Durante
Hudson, Fred & Family                                Greenwood
Robinson, Rosa                                            Pacyuney
Taylor, Annette & Family                              Greenwood

August 19, 2005
Cook Family Reunion of 2005 celebrated a
Historic Voyage aboard the cruise ship The Sovereign of the Seas
A historic moment in Cook, Family History in this the 21st century aboard the cruise ship The Sovereign of the Seas was celebrated abroad for the first time in our families history and it all took place in Wonderland the beautiful islands of the Caribbean
The monumental event was a great leap forward in our history a tremendous undertaking  by the organizers to whom we owe our of gratitude.

We want to thank
Victoria Miller, & Family
they have volunteered to host the 2007 reunion in Atlanta, GA
Albert/Rosalind Cook, & Family
 they have volunteered to host the 2009 family reunion in Chicago.
From the photo album of Albert and Rosalind Cook



A shot of the island of Coco Cay
August 17, 2005
Brenda Cook Houston
Greetings Family!

We have returned from our Caribbean adventure refreshed and invigorated. We had a wonderful time cruising the seas, enjoying the beaches, sightseeing and shopping.

We spent an entire day in beautiful New Providence, Nassau. Believe it or not, this island country is rich in unbelievable history. Here are a few interesting facts:

-Fifteen year old Queen Victoria freed the slaves in the Bahamas some 30 years before the slaves were freed in America?

-Milo Butler who passed away in 2002 served 25 years as the governor of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. To celebrate his legacy, the Bahamian government changed the face of their currency from that of Queen Victoria to Governor Butler to better reflect the population he served. Today, the Bahamas has its very first female governor, Her Excellency Dame Ivy Dumont.

During the voyage, we had a meeting to discuss family business. We all agreed that we definitely want to continue planning and having family reunions every 2 years. Without them, we lose a vital link to our history. As a result, Victoria Miller has volunteered to host the 2007 reunion in Atlanta, GA and Albert Cook has volunteered to host the 2009 family reunion in Chicago. We have plans to put together a newsletter in the near future to update the family on our progress. Until then, best wishes to all of our family members.


Brenda Cook Houston



August 01, 2005

Bon Voyage
A Cook, Family Historical Moment
The first Cook, Family Reunion outside of the country got underway this morning as 22 of our family members in Port Canaveral, Florida. boarded the Cruise Ship Sovereign of the Seas. 
They will spend five days with family members in paradise and we wish them well.
We all owe a debt of gratude to Brenda L. Houston,  for putting it all together, hopefully, this will be a recurring event in our families history for years to come.
Unofficial list of some of the family aboard
Coter & Elvira Cunningham
Jane P. Beamon
Roslind and Albert Cook
Victoria Miller
Vivian Lucas
Christine Lucas
Kimberly Cook
Brenda Cook
Lorenzo and Ruth Wells
Dwayne Wells
Tyler and Yolanda Wells
John and Margaret Bracey
May 15, 2005
Get Well Soon...
Our Best to Roy Cook, of Chicago
Our best wishes and hopes of a speedy recovery goes out to Roy Cook, of Chicago, Ill. who recently suffered a light heart attack has recovered and is now recuperating in a local rehabilitation center in Chicago, Illinois. Our very best to go out to him and his wife Johnnie Mae.

Who We Are In Pictures

Marquette Cook (Army Basic Training)