The Cook Family Website

The Legacy of Rev.Charles A. Cook, Jr.

A Brief Family History
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How we all got here...

We would be greatly appreciate any information you have that could help us complete this branch of our family tree, dates that pertain would help, names of grandparents their children, aunts, uncles, cousins, niece, nephew, brothers and sisters.  Certificates of birth, marriage and death are helpful and family bibles may contain important information.

Reverend Charles A. Cook, Jr. 
The namesake of Charles Sr., was a Methodist minister who resided in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

His Wife:

His Children:  Estella Cook Williams,


Estella Cook.Williams
March 16, 1900 - March 01, 1984
Cleveland, OH.

Mrs.Estella Williams was born, March 16, 1900 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama to Rev. and Mrs. Charles Cook Jr.  At the age of twelve, she confessed Christ and joined Hunters Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church under the pastorate of the late Rev. J. S. Jackson.  She was very active at the church not only did she serve on the Missionary Society, but she was also a Sunday school teacher and taught a Bible Class.
Estella married Doyle Hamilton in Tuscaloosa, out of this union was born two sons. Mr. Hamilton preceded her in death.  In 1925 Estella married Willis Williams. who is also deceased.  The family moved to Cleveland, Ohio in August of 1929.
She joined St. Paul A.M.E. Zion Church in 1930 under the pastorate of the late Rev. J. P. Foote.  For over 30 years Estella worked for Dr. Eugene Ferreri, retiring only because of ill health.  She was former president of the Lee Harvard Sr. Citizens Club and also the Trustee Aid Club of St. Paul A.M.E.  Zion Church.
Mama Stelle as she was fondly known by those who loved her, closed her eyes and went to sleep forever on March 1, 1984, leaving behind to mourn: two sons, Beverly Joan Hamilton and James Arthur Hamilton; seven grandchildren, Barbara Isaac and James Ronald Hamilton, both of Cleveland, Ohio; four great grandchildren:  Terry Isaac, Lakita and Carmen Hamilton of Cleveland, Ohio and Stephanie Hamilton from San Francisco, California; two daughters-in-law, Blanche Banks and Lena Hamilton; three nieces, Fannie Curry and Marion Hall of Cleveland, Ohio and Mable Brown from Columbus, Ohio.

James Arthur Hamilton


Beverly Joan Hamilton
Note: The above obituary states that Mama Stelle, left behind to mourn: two sons, Beverly Joan Hamilton and James Arthur Hamilton; I will treat this as a misprint that was intended to read son & daughter not two sons.

Barbara Isaac

James Ronald Hamilton

Terry Isaac


Lakita Hamilton

Carmen Hamilton

Stephanie Hamilton

Blanche Banks

Lena Hamilton



Fannie Curry

Marion Hall

Mable Brown



Who We Are In Pictures

Marquette Cook (Army Basic Training)